Theresa Katharina Horlacher, Ich sollte gar nicht hier sein,©Illsuk Lee, 2021
Theresa Katharina Horlacher, Ich sollte gar nicht hier sein,©Illsuk Lee, 2021

“I really don’t give a fuck. I am not different at all.”


Theresa Katharina Horlacher




Where are you from?

Living in Vienna, Austria

© Theresa Katharina Horlacher, 2023
© Theresa Katharina Horlacher, 2023

Your style in 3 words?

Theresa Katharina Horlacher

Your weakness? Your strength?

My biggest strength is my dyslexia because it makes me observe my environment differently and forces me to look at everything twice. My weakness is my humor because it doesn’t want me to look twice and wants the joke to be on the surface.

What makes you different?

I really don’t give a fuck. I am not different at all.

When did you decide to become an artist?

I feel like it was no decision at all. One day someone said: „This is Theresa Katharina Horlacher a young great artist.“ And suddenly I was one.

Theresa Katharina Horlacher, Ich sollte gar nicht hier sein, Ausstellungsansicht, ©Illsuk Lee, 2021
Theresa Katharina Horlacher, Ich sollte gar nicht hier sein, Ausstellungsansicht, ©Illsuk Lee, 2021

Do you choose your art form, or does the form choose you?

My art has no fixed form, so both are equally true.

What do you find most fascinating about the creative process?

How incredibly boring my creative process actually is. The most fascinating about my work is being myself in it.

A few words about your favorite creation?

Blunt is Trump.

What surprised you most about your first art shows?

How serious my work looked in an art show. I remember thinking to myself: „It wasn’t meant to be that serious.“

Someone else’s work that inspired or inspires you…

Hanne Darboven, August Walla, Jenny Holzer, Martin Kippenberger, Shania Twain

© Theresa Katharina Horlacher, Welcher Kran bist du, 2022

Who would you like to work with someday and why?

I hope someone would like to work with me. *cough* Liebherr *cough* (because: Cranes)

A new project coming up or an idea you want to work on?

More of Nothing. I will do my license for tower cranes. After that, I will do crane art.

Finish the sentence „More important than my career is…“

The relationships I have. Especially the one with myself. But more importantly, staying sane.

2023: Where are we going?

„Up, up, up can only go up from here.“ – Shania Twain

© Theresa Katharina Horlacher, Grüne Paprika, 2023
© Theresa Katharina Horlacher, Grüne Paprika, 2023

Do you think about time as an artist?


When the going gets tough…

I dance through my apartment, with my „Good Mood“ Spotify Playlist… or I cry.

Put on your future vision glasses: What direction is our generation moving in, what will our world look like in 50 years?

I hope just as insanely chaotic as today.

What would you do if you could change the World?

I can just change the world.

What does freedom mean when it comes to art?

I really hope I will be lucky enough to be able to answer this question one day.

If the universe is everything and it is expanding, what is it expanding into?

It is expanding in the physical definition of room. And the definition is changing every thirty years.

Tell us about your future plans…

Survive and keep going.

Theresa Katharina Horlacher, Ich sollte gar nicht hier sein,©Illsuk Lee, 2021
Theresa Katharina Horlacher, Ich sollte gar nicht hier sein,© Illsuk Lee, 2021

Your city’s favorite spots?

Fortuna on a Thursday, My Friends on a Friday, Yppenplatz on a Saturday, My Bed on a Sunday, and my Mind every day.

A book that everyone should read…

I am highly dyslexic so… I don’t read. I would recommend listening and observing.

Last but not least: what is your favorite Song?

Rescue Me – Fontella Bass

One last statement please: „ Wood or stone, gold or art?

Wooden stone and golden art.

Your # …
