Judith, 2020, 150x170, Fatma Güdü
Judith, 2020, 150×170, Fatma Güdü

“I would appreciate it a lot if everybody would reflect on their own feelings or behavior in an open way.”


Fatma Güdü





© Fatma Güdü, 2023
© Fatma Güdü, 2023

Where are you from?


Your style in 3 words?

Sorry, I don’t like classification in any way, too stubborn for this.

Your weakness? Your strength?

Intuition – Intuition

What makes you different?

everything and nothing

© Mutter der Nation, 2022, 185x150, Fatma Güdü
© Mutter der Nation, 2022, 185×150, Fatma Güdü

When did you decide to become an artist?

Was not my decision.

Do you choose your art form, or does the form choose you?

Painting is a drug, I just fall for it. Don’t know where it began.

What do you find most fascinating about the creative process?

This feeling, that you are doing the absolute right thing, with no doubt.

A few words about your favorite creation?

The newest is always the best. Then they grow up and stand on their own.

Der letzte Henker, 2023, Fatma Güdü
Der letzte Henker, 2023, Fatma Güdü

What surprised you most about your first art shows?

How important it is to show the work that is being seen.

Someone else’s work that inspired or inspires you…

There are too many. Now I discovered Stanley Spencer and his crazy way of building a room in his pictures – I’m in love with it.

Who would you like to work with someday and why?

Me Myself and I – that ́s enough people.

A new project coming up or an idea you want to work on?

Just work work work.

Finish the sentence „More important than my career is…“

What is a career?

2023: Where are we going?

Towards 2024? I don’t know. People stay the same, there is no big change. Just my point of view is getting clearer, that’s kind of funny and sad at the same time.

Henrike, 2023, 140X100, Fatma Güdü
Henrike, 2023, 140X100, Fatma Güdü

Do you think about time as an artist?

I see my work always separated from the present swimming in this big tank of art since the beginning of art. So yes I think about time.

When the going gets tough…

Do you mean working? Most of the time I’m so happy to be able to work (work-life balance, haha! Who thinks there is an easy way?) And if I’m really too much thinking about the beginning of something, I just smell a bit of my favorite colors, yes!

Widow, 2023, 100x80cm, Fatma Güdü
Widow, 2023, 100x80cm, Fatma Güdü

Put on your future vision glasses: What direction is our generation moving in, what will our world look like in 50 years?

Really don’t know. The Thing in the Moment is, everybody has just ??? In his head. Everything looks very questionable and fragile. For me, it’s the same. I personally would be happy to be alive : )

What would you do if you could change the World?

I don’t think, that I would change a thing. Because people are people, they would stay the same and everything happens again. And Nature is strong and does not need my help.

What does freedom mean when it comes to art?

Art = Freedom = Art = Freedom = Art…

Stanford, 2020, 90x70, Fatma Güdü
Stanford, 2020, 90×70, Fatma Güdü
15jährig mit Begleiter, 2022, 120x90, Fatma Güdü
15jährig mit Begleiter, 2022, 120×90, Fatma Güdü
des Liebens nicht müde, 2022, 45x35, Fatma Güdü
des Liebens nicht müde, 2022, 45×35, Fatma Güdü
Krone der Schöpfung, 2023, 120x90, Fatma Güdü
Krone der Schöpfung, 2023, 120×90, Fatma Güdü

If the universe is everything and it’s expanding, what is it expanding into?

That is something I can not imagine and do not want to. I like to leave things to themselves and don’t have to explore and understand everything.

Tell us about your future plans…

Being myself and work – that would be the best!

Your city’s favorite spots?

Germanisches National Museum – have not been there for a while and I miss it.

Flieger, 2022, 120x100, Fatma Güdü
Flieger, 2022, 120×100, Fatma Güdü

A book that everyone should read…

…your own diary. I would appreciate it a lot if everybody would reflect on their own feelings or behavior in an open way.

Last but not least: what is your favorite Song?

I am not very musical. My ears are not that precise like my eyes. But everything with enough drama catches me. Earlier everything with a good Music Video would burn in my mind and I would like the music automatically. Just a picture-person.

One last statement please: „Wood or stone, gold or art?“

Stone and Art

Your #…?