“2023 turned out to be and still is a year of taking action.”
Ruscha Voormann
Painting and Installations
ruschavoormann.com / galeriecrone.com
Where are you from?
Born in Flensburg, grew up in Bernried at Lake Starnberg, close to Munich
Your style in 3 words?
Developing, curious, balanced
Your weakness? Your strength?
Weakness: Cake, Strength: Brokkoli
What makes you different?
When did you decide to become an artist?
When I realized that one day I don’t want to wonder what would have happened if I had at least tried to devote my life to what I’ve always felt a part of.
Do you choose your art form, or does the form choose you?
I choose.
What do you find most fascinating about the creative process?
Action is a miracle cure.
A few words about your favorite creation?
My favorite creation is the process I see in every new picture. I really long for development in general. I always try to make the newest work better than the last one, so I guess, the last creation I finished is always my favorite because it shows where I am standing right now. From there I can imagine where I’m heading next. These moments are often accompanied by hope and confidence.
What surprised you most about your first art shows?
The incredibly clear confirmation of knowing that this is the right path for me.
Someone else’s work that inspired or inspires you…
Charline von Heyl, Jacqueline Humphries, Avery Singer.
Who would you like to work with someday and why?
Anish Kapoor, just to watch and learn. I also heard he’s really nice. 🙂
A new project coming up or an idea you want to work on?
My upcoming solo exhibition at Galerie Crone, Berlin, will open in November 2023.
Finish the sentence „More important than my career is…“
…Milen Till
2023: Where are we going?
For me, personally, 2023 turned out to be and still is a year of taking action. But I also have the feeling that this is a collective phenomenon in my environment.
Do you think about time as an artist?
From time to time.
When the going gets tough…
… I try to find support in my daily routines.
Put on your future vision glasses: What direction is our generation moving in, what will our world look like in 50 years?
I don’t think human behavior will change fundamentally. It just shifts from one side to the other. We’ll have different tools, new problems to solve, and probably look a little different. I think at its core it all repeats itself from time to time, just in a different costume, tailored by the environment.
What would you do if you could change the World?
Enough water and food for everyone, well distributed everywhere.
What does freedom mean when it comes to art?
Development and flexibility.
If the universe is everything and it’s expanding, what is it expanding into?
Into nothing.
Tell us about your future plans…
I’ll always strive to have fun in my work process so I don’t have and don’t want to separate it from my life in general. If that’s working out in the future I’m more than happy.
Your city’s favorite spots?
Our studio at Atelierhaus Baumstraße (Munich).
A book that everyone should read…
I keep hearing that everyone should read Marcel Proust’s „In Search of Lost Time“. I myself still have this trip ahead of me, but I’ll take this opportunity to join the group of recommenders. Take that as an oath.
Last but not least: what is your favorite Song?
Nancy & Lee – Some Velvet Morning
One last statement please: „Wood or stone, gold or art?“
Stone, art.
Your #…?