planetary mass object, oil on canvas, 135×190 soloshow photo Susanne Henny Kolp, 2020
planetary mass object, oil on canvas, 135×190 soloshow photo Susanne Henny Kolp, 2020

“Independent, lifelong learning, producing things that will be in the world longer than you are and have a special meaning for other people.”


Susanne Henny Kolp




Susanne Henny Kolp, 2022
Susanne Henny Kolp, 2022

Where are you from?

Rostock, Baltic Sea, Germany

Your style in 3 words?

solid, poetic, floating

Your weakness? Your strength?

I always take things very personally and work very slowly. I am constantly slow without interruptions.

What makes you different?

My lack of belief in individuality

© skylla, oil on canvas, 90×80 photo Susanne Henny Kolp, 2020
© skylla, oil on canvas, 90×80 photo Susanne Henny Kolp, 2020

When did you decide to become an artist?
After I started studying philology and philosophy out of interest, I began to question whether it was a good idea to make my career choice out of interest or if should I think better about how I would like to work practically for so many years coming? I thought of my father and my grandfather, who were best friends and, on the surface, had professions that were so different. My father was a professor of geology and my grandfather was a carpenter, I always admired how they lived with their professions. Independent, lifelong learning, producing things that will be in the world longer than you are and have a special meaning for other people. I thought that all of this could be found in art, so I decided to go consistently in this direction without being artistically active before. I hadn’t really painted before, once I even cheated on a children ́s art competition and submitted a painting by my mother (by the way – I won). I always got mediocre grades in art class, but when I finally decided to drop art at school I already knew I was doing it to keep it for myself for later. The rest is a short story. I painted an application folder, applied, and was accepted. During my studies, I understood that I had always seen complex circumstances as images and I felt that I only fully experience my existence if I work artistically. Since this became clear to me I actually don’t think anymore that there is a choice for me not to be an artist.

What do you find most fascinating about the creative process?

When I’m working on a particular artwork, it’s like having the best conversation I’ve ever had. I am completely in the present. Most of the time I work on more than one piece at the same time. These groups are then like different points of view on a topic. One picture wants to follow the other when it is already in a more advanced state and their mutual relationships fuel the process incredibly. When I close a group, it is often already clear to me what is coming next. I can say that this endless timeline really embeds me in my life and gives me support and faith.

Susanne Henny Kolp roi, oil on canvas, 140x110, property of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, 2020
Susanne Henny Kolp roi, oil on canvas, 140×110, property of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, 2020

A few words about your favorite creation?

If I spontaneously listen to my feelings, then it’s „mi lai“. This painting is so easy and complete. Like a bird that landed on my hand of its own accord.

Someone else’s work that inspired or inspires you…

I am deeply inspired by people who have created freedom of movement in their thinking, such as Heinz von Foerster, Hannah Arendt, and Richard Buckminster Fuller.

Who would you like to work with someday and why?

To be honest, I’m like a caterpillar in a cocoon while I work. Everything it takes is there and reacts to something new. I can hardly imagine a collaboration where I create works of art. But I really appreciate it when my pieces in exhibitions enter into a dialogue with other works. I like this extension, but for that everything has to be complete and ready.

A new project coming up or an idea you want to work on?

At the moment I am working on a series of textile flags that I sew and embroider by hand. One is already finished, and two are still planned. In terms of content, I work on thoughts on Europe and Germany. I need about three months for a flag and at the moment I can’t see beyond this period.

Nordbad, Susanne Henny Kolp, 2021
Nordbad, Susanne Henny Kolp, 2021

Finish the sentence „More important than my career are…“

the ones I love

2022: Where are we going?

Hopefully closer to each other.

When the going gets tough…

I try to get control back and work.

Put on your future vision glasses: What direction is our generation moving in, and what will our world look like in 50 years?

I really can’t find these glasses

© Earth as a disc, Photo Susanne Henny Kolp, blanket 140×200, 2021
© Earth as a disc, Photo Susanne Henny Kolp, blanket 140×200, 2021

What would you do if you could change the World?

I really don’t think anyone is able to grasp the complexities of the big problems surrounding them. I wish that I could press the healing button, which must be somewhere on spaceship earth.

If the universe is everything and it’s expanding, what is it expanding into?

It’s expanding into more expanding and it does not operate within our concept of purpose.

Tell us about your future plans…

For various reasons, the last two years have deprived me of the ability to plan. I have therefore decided to be in my artistic work for the next six months and then stretch out my feelers again.

Your city’s favorite spots?

Right now: my studio, my home, botanical garden

Last but not least: what is your favorite Song?

My Love Is Your Love by Whitney Houston

One last statement please: „Wood or stone, gold or art?“

I’m really into gold. Anyone who knows me could just answer that for me.

Your #?
