©Mirsini Artakianou, Molpi, exhibition view, 2019, Photographer Marco Dirr
©Mirsini Artakianou, Molpi, exhibition view, 2019, Photographer Marco Dirr

“Since I was a child I liked working with my hands. I started studying in an art school by an accident.”


Mirsini Artakianou





©Mirsini Artakianou, 2019 by Cihan Cakmak
©Mirsini Artakianou, 2019 by Cihan Cakmak

Who are you? What do you do?

My name is Mirsini Artakianou, I am a Leipzig based artist working mainly with ceramic and textile installations.

Where are you from?

From an island called Lesvos in Greece.

Your style in 3 words?

Light, fragile, feminine

©Mirsini Artakianou, λ, 2019 , Photographer Marco Dirr
©Mirsini Artakianou, λ, 2019 , Photographer Marco Dirr

Your weakness? Your strength?

Doubts, persistence

What makes you different?

Nothing makes me different but everybody is different.

When did you decide to become an artist?

Since I was a child I liked working with my hands. I started studying in an art school by an accident. I wanted to study graphic design. After taking some graphic design lessons at the art school I realized that this was not what I wanted and that I prefer doing art.

©Mirsini Artakianou, λ, 2019, Photographer Marco Dirr

What do you find most fascinating about your work?

When I am working in a new textile installation it takes a lot of time and concentration. I like listening to music and being concentrated on my work. It is like meditation. Also the best part is when my work is finished and my visions in my head become reality.

A few words about your favourite creation?

It is Molpi (Μόλπη). A big airy and fragile installation that moves lightly when the observer passes. It lasted 3 Months to finish it.

Someone else’s work that inspired or inspires you…

There are many. At this moment I love the works of Ektor Garcia. I also get inspired from Botanical Gardens and at snoozing times.

©Mirsini Artakianou, Garden of Hesperide s, 2019, Photographer Marco Dirr
©Mirsini Artakianou, Garden of Hesperide s, 2019, Photographer Marco Dirr

Who would you like to work with someday and why?

I don’t know if I want to work with somebody someday but I would like to see how Leonor Antunes is working.

A new project coming up or an idea you want to work on?

A lot of of ideas are coming up. But mostly at this time I want to work on new Textile installation.

Finish the sentence „More important than my career is…“

A Joyful life and Health.

©Mirsini Artakianou, Molpi, 2019,  Photographer Mirsini Artakianou
©Mirsini Artakianou, Molpi, 2019, Photographer Mirsini Artakianou

2020: Where are we going?

Hopefully 2 months on a Greek island in the summer.

When the going gets tough…

Go to the sea.

Put on your future vision glasses: What direction is our generation moving in, what will our world look like in 50 years?


©Mirsini Artakianou, exhibition vie w, 2019, Photographer Marco Dirr
©Mirsini Artakianou, exhibition vie w, 2019, Photographer Marco Dirr

What would you do if you could change the World?

Burn the money.

If the universe is everything and it’s expanding, what is it expanding into?

Into a place where all lost objects go.

Tell us about your future plans…

Going to focus on making some new works in my studio and try to make another exhibition in Athens.

©Mirsini Artakianou, Garden of Hesperid es, 2019, Photographer Marco Dirr

Your city’s favourite spots?

My studio.(same question?)

Last but not least: what is your favourite Song?

I do not have a favorite song but when I am working in my studio I listen to the Mixcloud of Elya Sorin.

One last statement please: „Wood or stone, gold or art?“


Your #…?
