Yesterday a dinner with view at 360 Istanbul, a classic Istanbul-roof terrace-restaurant. The atmosphere was great, the food a little less…Our day1 started with a coffee at Galata Kulesi and a walk down to the shore of the Bosforus next to Istanbul Modern at Antrop No. 5, for a first peek at the Biennal. An exhibition undoubtably curated with the greatest detail… very intellectual but unfortunately very little creative. However, it is too early to jump to conclusions!Lunch at Pandeli in the Sulthanahmet Spice Market left us sadly nauseated so we ended up stuffing ourselves with delicious Turkish Delights and Baklava whilst walking through the Bazaar. Here we also found some very well made handbags at Zagor Bag’s, this may be slightly incorrect but let’s be honest who can afford a new Balenciaga every season? A last stop at  Rodeo Gallery (Material by Iman Issa), a couple of great boutiques and vintage shops on the way and finally back to the hotel!

Sitting on the roof terrace drinking fresh pomegranate juice we agree that one has got to love this chaotic and cosmopolitan city.

360 Istanbul Istanbul Modern

 by Cosima Bucarelli