there where you are absent_3_2016
© Pearlie Frisch, there where you are absent, 2016

“I am interested in spaces that exist but aren’t physically encounterable, like reflections in mirrors.”


Pearlie Frisch




© Photo Lena Heubusch, Pearlie Frisch, 2017

Who are you? What do you do?

These are quite profound questions. I’d rather answer what I do, which might give an idea of who I am. I am interested in spaces that exist but aren’t physically encounterable, like reflections in mirrors. I am even more interested in jellyfish. Their existence, their means of reproduction, their power to destruction, yet their elegant, mesmerising appearance of sheer nothingness. So, what I do is turn this fascination into research and we shall see where that will lead me to.

there where .you are absent_4_2016
© Pearlie Frisch, there where you are absent, 2016

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Switzerland, but my mother is from South-East Asia, and for some reason my appearance has always triggered Swiss people to point out that I wasn’t one of them.

Your style in 3 words?

Poetic, neat, dark.

being there and not there_1_2015
© Pearlie Frisch, being there and not there, 2015

Your weakness? Your strength?

Always late. Always able to improvise.

What makes you different?

Different from what?

When did you decide to become an artist?

I just went with the flow.

there where you are absent_2_2016
© Pearlie Frisch, there where you are absent, 2016

What do you find most fascinating about the creative process?

It is a constant flow, sometimes it runs fast, sometimes it gets a little stuck, but inspiration is everywhere and every encounter and new information feeds into a new understanding. Everything is connected.

there where you are absent_1_2016
© Pearlie Frisch, there where you are absent, 2016

A few words about your favourite creation?

Malevich’s “Black Square”

It is the abstraction of figure and space, yet infinitely deep. A body of work that intertwined intellect and craft.

Someone else’s work that inspired or inspires you…

I adore strong woman artists, and there are many.

being there and not there_3_2015
© Pearlie Frisch, being there and not there, 2015

Do you have a vision?

To become a jellyfish.

2017: Where are we going?

Around the sun.

© Pearlie Frisch, stephanie, 2015

Your city’s favourite spots?

My studio and my studio kitchen’s coffee machine.

Tell us about your future plans…

In September I will start my secound MA degree in Artistic Research. Shoot more analogue film. And I want to define my artistic expression, yet keep challenging myself to remain critical.