Chiara Campanile, Patches, 2016, © Roberto Conte
Chiara Campanile, Patches, 2016, © Roberto Conte

“I don’t think it’s a matter of being different, for me It’s just about being present and ready to communicate.”


Chiara Campanile


 Visual artist


© Chiara Campanile
© Chiara Campanile 

Who are you? What do you do? 

I’m an artist working with different media. I’m interested in the perception’s process, specifically about the mental process that generates abstract thinking as the idea of colors. 

Where are you from? 

Italy, a bit from Milano and a bit from Venice

Your style in 3 words?

Visionary, layered, and a little ironic

Chiara Campanile, Risk, 2017, © Ryts Monet
Chiara Campanile, Risk, 2017, © Ryts Monet

Your weakness? Your strength?

chocolate/saffron risotto

What makes you different? 

I don’t think it’s a matter of being different, for me It’s just about being present and ready to communicate. 

When did you decide to become an visual artist? 

I can’t indicate a specific moment, it has been more like a visceral irreversible process. 

What do you find most fascinating about the creative process/your work?

It is an inexhaustible source of experiences, always new and always very different never stops surprising me.

Chiara Campanile, Patches, 2016, © Chiara Campanile
Chiara Campanile, Patches, 2016, © Chiara Campanile 

A few words about your favourite creation?

The work is called Patches, and was made in 2016 as part of the exhibition Espaço  industraial e cor: repensar os limites the project was curated by Anderson Colombo and Filippo deTomasi and realized inside an old dye industry. I’ve considered the parts of the wall that where most ruined and burned from the colour making process and I covered them. I used acrylic paint to close a cycle and let emerge the random composition generated by the industrial process.

Someone else’s work that inspired or inspires you… 

It’s a very long list, but I would say that a lot of inspiration comes from the members of Fondazione Malutta, with whom I grew up, but also from some friends and colleagues of mine: Miriam Secco, Fabio Roncato, Cristina Calderoni and Ryts Monet.

A new project coming up or an idea you want to work on? 

I’m currently developing a project involving sign language.

Finish the sentence „More important than my career is…“

Eating chocolate

2018: Where are we going?

We are learning how to stay. 

When the going gets tough…

Doesn’t matter as long as there is movement. 

Chiara Campanile, Floaters, 2016, © Cristina Calderoni
Chiara Campanile, Floaters, 2016, © Cristina Calderoni

Your city’s favourite spots?

I have to say that my favourite place to be is Venice at night time, every Calle has a very intense atmosphere, it’s very special! 

Do you have a vision?

I have visions all the time. 

Tell us about your future plans…

Keep on working and developing my projects in Vienna

Chiara Campanile, installation view, Fonazione Bevilacqua la Masa, venezia 2016, © Klaus SonnleitnerChiara Campanile, installation view, Fonazione Bevilacqua la Masa, venezia 2016, © Klaus Sonnleitner
Chiara Campanile, installation view, Fonazione Bevilacqua la Masa, venezia 2016, © Klaus Sonnleitner

Last but not least: what is your favourite Song?

In this moment I’m very affectionate to the song of Thegionalisti, Riccione I’ve recently been part of an exhibition at Vienna’s das weisse haus titeld Saluti da Riccione and this song has been our leitmotiv.

Follow Chiara on Instagram